Party Of Five drama tv series created by Christopher Keyser & Amy Lippman and ran from September 1994 to May 2000, a story about five siblings fending their own way in the world when their parents killed in a terrible car crash by a drunk driver. Nick and Diana Salinger left their children struggling on their own, the eldest Charlie step in taking care of the family serving as both brother and father, middle brother Bailey trying to keep things up but undergoes on alcoholism realizing about problems. The young daughter Julia dealing from one bad relationship to another, the youngest girl Claudia enters her adolescence without parent's help and little baby Owen only six months old will never know how it feels like to have mother and father.
Together they face the world on their own from financial state, handling their parents restaurant, some relationship up to school problems realizing in order to survive, they have to trust, love, through away selfishness, help and stick with each other as a whole family.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Party Of Five DVD
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havent seen this story
I think this story will be dramatic and complicated
anyway I have linked you in my blog
Thanks. Can I linked your blog also?
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