Scrubs was a comedy sitcom television show that premiered on October 2, 2001 and last aired on January 1, 2008 and it was created by Bill Lawrence. The show uses single camera set up and with multiple storylines via voiceovers and narrator Zach Braff as Dr. John “J.D.” Dorian.
The other characters is with his college buddy , Chris Turk (Donald Faison), an intern with surgical group and Elliot Reid (Sarah Chalke), the beautiful Intern. The fatherly chief of medicine, Dr. Bob Kelso (Ken Jenkins); the abrasive, worldly Dr. Perry Cox (John McGinley), and the caring but slightly jaded nurse Carla Espinosa (Judy Reyes). The hospital janitor (Neil Flynn) also never seems to miss an opportunity to harass his target.
The show revolves on the professional and personal lives of Zach Braff as Dr. John “J.D.” Dorian, medical intern at Sacred Heart Hospital .The character address on how doctor deals with issue relating to the practice of medicine.It is the film in the real life Hospital at North Hollywood Medical Center, which is under severe reconstruction.